What You Need to Know About Fence Installation BEFORE You Install


That green you’re seeing is a sure sign that summer is on its way and that THIS is the time to begin your aluminum fencing project.

The world around you is getting greener. They’re playing baseball games that mean something. The birds are talking back and forth in rhyme. The air seems to get just a touch warmer by the day. This can only mean one thing: Summer is coming.

Are you ready for it? Are you still dilly-dallying about installing your new fence? If so, you really need to get off the fence (so to speak) and get moving on the life-changing aluminum fencing project that you’ve been thinking about since last Summer. Or was it the Summer before that? Whatever the case, there’s no time like the present to finally begin.

Aluminum fencing is a popular choice many DIYers make for installing a fence. They are easy to install, create clean lines, and are extremely low maintenance.  Whether you’re a seasoned DIY addict or a newcomer wanna-be and plan to install a fence on your property for the very first time, here are some important tips for preparing your yard for your fence installation.

Mark Your Property Line Prior to Fence Installation

It seems obvious. It is obvious. But marking your property line is the first essential step and, somehow, it’s the one many DIYers forget!  And thinking to yourself, “Gee, that looks like where my property should end” is not a wise strategy if you want to steer clear of trouble with your HOA or local government. Not to mention your neighbors. You need to know exactly – to the inch – where your property line lies and plan accordingly.

Make Nice with the Neighbors Prior to Fence Installation

Speaking of your neighbors, it’s very much in your best interest to be sure they won’t be bothered by either the construction process or by the finished product.  If you happen to be sharing the fence, it doesn’t hurt to make sure they are in agreement with the look and size of your fence.  Some developments will mandate a certain style, fencing materials and color of fence, so this may not be the time or place to make a stand or plot a rebellion. If you want to keep the peace, it’s a good idea to let the neighbors know your plans.

Call Miss Utility Before Fence Installation

You never want to dig a fence post near any lines or pipes. Let’s be clear: You do not EVER want to dig a fence post near any lines or pipes. You do NOT want an angry county or mob on your hands if you snip a cable line or open up a water pipe on your street.  Call Miss Utility before you dig.  Unless, of course, you love paying all kinds of fees to your county and want to be known as the neighborhood fool for years to come!

We Could Go On, But…

There are other things you can do to get ready for your fence installation project, but with it being the middle of April, this should be enough to get you started. When you’re ready to begin your aluminum fence installation,

you can order everything you need to install the best aluminum fence on the market!  Click here to get started or open up a live chat session and we’ll get you on track for your aluminum fence project!

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